How does Cyberdoorman see my building?
Cyberdoorman is connected to your building using a high speed internet connection. It is secured on both ends. It requires a static IP.
How does Cyberdoorman talk to my building?
Cyberdoorman uses a regular telephone line connected to our special devices at the building, in addition if the internet is rendered not operable, the telephone line can be used by Cyberdoorman to open the doors as well. Residents and visitors will be able to "call" Cyberdoorman by simply pressing a button at the intercom or in the lobby. Cyberdoorman can "call" the building at anytime.
How much money can we save?
Buildings that already employ a security officer or doorman pay an extremely large amount of money each year. Cyberdoorman can replace the doorman or security guard in many cases. The savings in that alone would be substantial. In excess of $ 75,000.00 per year.
In buildings that have no security officer or doorman the savings will be seen in the prevention of loss that Cyberdoorman would create. Having a digital video system that can be remotely viewed will save a substantial amount of money in insurance and other related loss. Digital images help in lawsuits as well as theft. The annual fee paid to Cyberdoorman includes retrieval of all incidents and events that the board requests.